Releasing xwidgets

Releasing a new version

From the master branch of xwidgets

  • Make sure that you are in sync with the master branch of the upstream remote.

  • In file xwidgets_config.hpp, set the macros for XWIDGETS_VERSION_MAJOR, XWIDGETS_VERSION_MINOR and XWIDGETS_VERSION_PATCH to the desired values.

  • Update the README file w.r.t. dependencies on xwidgets.

  • Update the environment.yml file used by binder with the new version of xwidgets and dependencies.

  • Stage the changes (git add), commit the changes (git commit) and add a tag of the form Major.minor.patch. It is important to not add any other content to the tag name.

  • Push the new commit and tag to the main repository. (git push, and git push --tags)

  • Release xwidgets on conda.

  • Update the stable branch to point to the latest tag.